Penetration Testing Services

Our penetration testing services are designed to identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities across web applications, networks, and other systems. By simulating real-world attacks, we assess how well your infrastructure can withstand potential threats, ensuring your sensitive data and business operations remain protected.

Web Application Security Testing

Web applications are frequent targets for attackers, making it crucial to identify vulnerabilities early. Our web application security testing follows industry standards, including the OWASP Testing Guide, to provide a thorough examination of your application’s security. We focus on:

  • Input Validation and Injection Attacks: Identifying vulnerabilities like SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) that could allow attackers to manipulate input and gain unauthorized access.
  • Authentication and Session Management: Ensuring login mechanisms, password policies, and session handling are secure to prevent attacks like Session Hijacking or Credential Stuffing.
  • Access Control: Testing role-based access control to verify that users only have access to authorized features and data.
  • Data Security: Checking how data is stored and transmitted, ensuring encryption is in place for sensitive information both at rest and in transit.
  • Business Logic Testing: Ensuring the application operates as intended without exposing weaknesses that attackers could exploit, such as bypassing workflows or accessing restricted areas.

Testing Process

The high-level flowchart of the penetration testing is displayed below:

Services detection
Vulnerabilities detection
Attack implementation
Drafting of recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What is penetration testing?

    Penetration testing is a simulated cyberattack on your systems, performed to identify security weaknesses before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

  • Why is penetration testing important for web applications?

    Web applications are often exposed to the internet, making them prime targets for attackers. Penetration testing helps identify and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, protecting sensitive user data and business operations.

  • What standards do you follow in penetration testing?

    We follow industry standards such as OWASP Testing Guide, OSSTMM, and NIST to ensure comprehensive and effective security assessments.

  • How long does penetration testing take?

    The duration of penetration testing depends on the scope and complexity of the system being tested. On average, web application tests can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.

  • Will penetration testing disrupt my services?

    We take care to avoid disruptions during testing. However, we recommend conducting tests in a staging environment or during low-traffic periods for production systems.

  • What types of vulnerabilities can you find?

    Our testing identifies a wide range of vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, insecure authentication, misconfigurations, and more.

  • How do you ensure the confidentiality of my data?

    We follow strict confidentiality protocols, and all findings are reported only to authorized personnel within your organization.

  • How often should penetration testing be performed?

    It’s recommended to conduct penetration testing at least once a year or whenever significant changes are made to your web applications or network infrastructure.

PCI DSS Penetration Testing

Our PCI DSS Penetration Testing ensures the security of cardholder data by assessing:

  • Network Security
  • Data Encryption
  • Access Control
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Application Security

By conducting PCI DSS testing, you safeguard sensitive payment information and maintain compliance with industry standards.

DORA Penetration Testing

DORA Penetration Testing is vital for financial institutions and service providers in the EU to comply with the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). This testing helps identify vulnerabilities, ensuring your systems can resist cyberattacks and operational disruptions.

DORA testing is essential for regulatory compliance and ensuring continuous business operations.

SOC 2 Penetration Testing

SOC 2 Penetration Testing is critical for organizations handling sensitive customer data. This testing evaluates the effectiveness of your security controls, ensuring compliance with SOC 2 Trust Principles.

SOC 2 testing helps protect client data, ensures system reliability, and meets industry security standards.